NameMILAM, Dudley Willaim

Misc. Notes
(JOHN BELFIELD5, JORDAN S.4, SAMUEL3, JOHN MILAM OF2 HALIFAX, VIRGINIA, UNK FATHER OF VIRGINIA1 MILAMS) was born February 09, 1826 in Hickman County, Tennessee, and died March 21, 1902 in Sebastian County, Arkansas; buried Mt. Harmony Cemetery near Greenwood.
He married LENNET WOOD, daughter of BLUNT WOOD and FRANCES. She was born October 16, 1825 in North Carolina, and died January 14, 1899 in Sebastian County, Arkansas; buried Mt. Harmony Cemetery near Greenwood.
Dudley Milam was six foot tall, and had a dark complexion, dark eyes and hair. He was a farmer and stock raiser. He could read.
At the age of 15, Dudley began making his own living. He roamed a lot and enlisted during the Mexican War for nine months in Captain Whitfield's Company. He was discharged on account of illness.
He and Lennet had a farm of about 100 acres in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Dudley was a staunch democrat. His wife belonged to the Methodist Church.
In April of 1862, Dudley enlisted in Captain Oliver Bassham's Company, Confederacy. Two months later, he was elected Captain of this same company. At Mark's Mill, in Bradley County, Arkansas, he was leading a party of advance skirmishers when he was hit by a minie ball in the left ankle joint. His leg was amputated just below the knee, in April, 1863.
Dortha Idell Milam McDonald: CSA cavalry story told by Dudley: "Saw a horse get his head shot off by cannon ball and it kept on running for a while; rider fell off of course."
History of Benton County SEBASTIAN COUNTY. page 1347
Capt. Dudley Milam, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of John Milam and Levica Hamby, who were born in North Carolina, and when young went to Hickman County, Tenn., where they married, and where the father died at the age of about forty-two years. The mother spent her last days in Boone County, Ark., where she lived to be sixty years of age. The father was a soldier in the War of 1812, being a participant in the battle of New Orleans, and was a blacksmith, wood workman and farmer by occupation. He was an old-time Democrat, and a son of Jordan Milam, who served seven years in the Revolutionary War, and died in Arkansas at the age of one hundred and ten years.
Capt. Dudley Milam is the eldest of seven children, and was born in Hickman County, Tenn., February 9, 1826. He was reared on a farm, and received just enough education to enable him to read, and at the early age of fifteen years began earning his own living. He was of a rather roving disposition, and spent several years' earnings in traveling in different States. During the Mexican War he spent nine months in Capt. Whitfield's company, and at the end of that time was discharged from active duty on account of sickness, and then returned to Tennessee, and in 1847 came to Franklin County, Ark., locating soon after in Johnson County, where he was married, in 1852, to Miss Lennet Wood, who was born in North Carolina October 16, 1825. Since 1857 they have resided in Sebastian County, where he owns a fertile farm of 100 acres, with about fifty acres under cultivation.
In April, 1862, he enlisted in Capt. Oliver Bassham's company, Confederate service, [p.1347] and at the end of three months joined Capt. Leister's company, but two months later this company split, and Capt. Leister joined the Federal forces, Mr. Milam was then elected captain of the company. At Mark's Mill, in Bradley County, Ark., he was leading a battalion of advance skirmishers, and in the heat of the battle he was struck by a minie-ball in the left ankle joint, the bone being so shattered that his leg had to be amputated a little below the knee. This was done in April, 1863. He has been the hero of two wars, and is yet hale and hearty, and has never had to pay a doctor's bill for himself in his life. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, and is the father of seven children: Emeline P. (deceased), Kansas, William M. (deceased), John, Wood B., Lennet A. and Frances E.