Birth Date22 Jan 1893
Birth PlaceBryson, Jack County, Texas
Death Date9 Sep 1973 Age: 80
Death PlaceWichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas
Misc. Notes
Mrs. Avants was born in Bryson, January 22, 1893, the daughter of S.H. and Mary Hill Denning. She was married to the late Sterling Avants February 21, 1915 in Bryson. She died Sunday in Wichita Falls.
Survivors are two daughters Mrs. Gerald Eubanks and Mrs. Charles Conner both of Jacksboro; three sons, Harold Avants of Beaumont, Owen Avants of Fort Worth and Grady Avants of Avoca, Tex.; nine grandchildren, four great grandchildren, 2 sisters, Mrs. I.G. Coley of Jacksboro and Mrs. Ernest Cowden of Graham, eight brothers, Charlie Denning of Graham, O.W. and Doug Denning both of Floydada, Clarence, Luther and Houston Denning all of Bryson, Homer Denning of Sweetwater and Tobie Denning of Graham.
Birth Date30 Jun 1882
Birth PlaceJohnson County, Texas
Death Date5 Jul 1972 Age: 90
Death PlaceJackson, Jack County, Texas
Misc. Notes
Funeral Services were held Friday, 10 a.m. at the Church of Christ for Sterling Avants who died July 5 at Leisure Lodge.
Pal bearers were W.A. Cook, Raymond Bowen, John Berry, Harold West, Robert Peterson and Ben Johnson.
Sterling Avants was born June 30, 1882 in Johnson County, the son of John Stone and Sarah Ann Rich Avants.
He was married Feb. 21, 1950 at Bryson to Emma Denning.
A retired farmer, he moved here from Bryson 13 years ago.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Emma Avants of Jacksboro; two daughters, Mrs. Gerald Eubanks and Mrs. Charles H. Conner, three sons, Harold Avants of Beaumont, Owen Avants of Fort Worth, Grady Avants of Avoca; nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Jimmie Freeman of Ivanhoe.
Marr Date21 Feb 1915
Marr PlaceBryson, Jack County, Texas