NameAVANTS, Harold Denning
, 5G Grandson
Birth Date13 Feb 1916
Birth PlaceBryson, Jack County, Texas
OccupationOil Company Foreman
Death Date22 Feb 1996 Age: 80
Death PlaceWichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas
Misc. Notes
Harold Denning Avants, the son of Sterline and Emma Denning Avants, was born Feb. 13, 1916 at Bryson, Texas. The family moved to Brownfield, Texas in 1921 and back to Postoak in Jack County in 1935.
He attended school at Brownfield, Cone, Estacado and graduated from Postoak High School in 1936.
He and Thelma Louise Campsey were married Sept. 26, 1937 at the Postoak Baptist Church. She was born Dec. 14, 1918, the daughter of Arthur Dee and Alla Belle Murray Campsey of the Silver Hill Community in Jack County.
Harold and Louise moved to Floydada, Texas immediately after the wedding. Harold worked as an automobile mechanic. They moved back to Jack County, and Harold worked as a pumper in the oil field before moving to Beaumont, Texas in 1941. There he worked four years for Bethlehem Steel. After the war, he worked for Union Oil of California at the Beaumont Refinery for thirty years. He retired in 1977, and he and Louise moved to Jacksboro, Texas and built a new home at 112 Buckner. Harold is a Deacon in the First Baptist Church and a member of the Lion's Club. He likes to hunt, fish, and to work with wood.
Birth Date14 Dec 1918
Birth PlaceJack County, Texas
Death Date16 Apr 2006 Age: 87
Death PlaceBowie, Montague County, Texas
Misc. Notes
Louise worked at Bethlehem Steel at Stores Office in Beaumont. She also worked for J.C. Penney Co. for fourteen years, six of those as a buyer of lingerie. Louise likes to sew, crochet and paint, is active in the First Baptist Church, is President of the Library Club, 1984-5, and was a member of the Hospital Auxiliary. Harold and Louise both liked to garden and work in their yard.
Marr Date26 Sep 1937
Marr PlacePostoak, Jack County, Texas